Recipe Collection: Carrot Cake Waffles

There was one evening I couldn’t decide between waffles (which I love) or carrot muffins for breakfast the next day.  Then I thought…I’ll make carrot cake waffles, the best of both worlds!  When I mentioned this on Facebook, over 100 other people thought that was a good idea and some requested to see the recipe.  So, I am providing it today!

Soaked Carrot Cake Waffles


  • 3 c. white whole wheat flour
  • 3 1/2 c. buttermilk, divided
  • 1/2 c. butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 c. honey
  • 1 tbsp. baking powder
  • 2 tsp. sea salt
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 2 tsp. vanilla
  • 1 c. shredded carrots


Step 1a: If you want to soak the batter for easier digestion and better nutrient absorption, combine flour and 3 cups buttermilk the night before.  Stir well, cover with a towel, and set aside.

Step 1b: If you don’t want to soak, mix up the dough in the morning.

Step 2: In a large bowl, combine the liquid ingredients (buttermilk, melted butter, eggs, honey) and mix well.  (If the dough was soaked, this can be done in a blender, to which the soaked dough will be added.)

Step 3: Add the dry ingredients and stir until combined.

Step 4: Finally, add the carrots and fold together.

Step 5: Pour the batter into a preheated waffle iron, about 1/4 cup per waffle (depending on the size of the waffle maker).

Step 6: Cook until the waffle iron indicates it is done (or until it is golden brown).

Step 7: Remove from waffle iron and serve hot, or cool and freeze in bags for lateer.

Serve with butter, maple syrup, whipped cream, or cream cheese frosting (try the frosting.  It’s low in sugar and high in healthy fats).

How do you like your waffles?

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10 thoughts on “Recipe Collection: Carrot Cake Waffles”

  1. Looks delicious! Do you know if the soaking needs to be done w/ some type of milk or can water have a similar effect on the grains? Thanks for sharing this! 🙂

  2. Your blender must be pretty big, right? Mine is only six cups and there was no way it would fit! I ended up just doing everything except the soaked flour, and then mixing by hand in a bowl. Just so that anyone else who might have a smaller blender isn’t surprised. 🙂

    • Mine is 8 cups. I believe that’s bigger than most. I think the mix made 6 cups, so it does fit in mine. Sometimes when I do big batches though I split it in half, which is also an option for those with smaller blenders. 🙂

  3. Pingback: Recipe Tuesday – Carrot Cake Waffles | Prepper Info

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