Soothing Herbal Iced Tea


By Katie, Contributing Writer

After a long, hot day it’s nice to sit back and relax with a glass of iced tea. You’re ready to whip up a good old batch of sweet tea made from lots of sugar and black tea. I like black tea as much as the next person; unfortunately, the caffeine found in the black tea generally won’t promote the soothing feeling you are after.

Instead you might want to choose an herbal blend that is refreshing and relaxing all at the same time. This soothing herbal iced tea may be just what you need.

Soothing Herbal Tea

Here are a few reasons why this tea may be the right pick when you want to take time to slow down for a while:


Hibiscus was used by Egyptians to calm muscle spasms associated with heart and nerve disease.


Peppermint, not only does it have a wonderful taste but it also promotes relaxation, relieves headaches and pain, sooths cramps and acts as a digestive aid.


Chamomile has a calming effect, relieves headaches, soothes stomach pain and nausea and aid in helping with insomnia and depression.

Rose Petals

Rose petals can be used to relieve headaches, insomnia and nervous tension.

Orange Peel

Orange peel reduces muscles spasm and contains bitter compounds that are anti-inflammatory, increase the production of digestive fluid, reduce muscle spasms, and increase blood circulation.

Soothing Herbal Iced Tea Recipe

  • 1 cup dried hibiscus flowers
  • 1/4 cup dried peppermint
  • 2 TBS dried chamomile
  • 2 TBS dried rose petals
  • 2 TBS dried orange peels
  • 1/4- 1/2 cup raw honey

Step 1. In a glass jar cover all the herbs with 2 cups of boiling water.
Step 2. Allow them to steep for 10 minutes, then stain the herbs.
Step 3. While the tea is still warm stir in the honey until it dissolves.
Step 4. Add four cups of cold water.
Step 5. Pour over ice when ready to serve.

What’s your favorite herbal iced tea blend?

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