Recipe Collection: Strawberry Lemonade {Guest Post}

This is a guest post from Katie Stanley of Nourishing Simplicity.  In March and April, we’re featuring a number of guest posts so that MAM can enjoy her new baby.

Spring time is here! That means strawberries are coming into season soon. I love buying fresh strawberries from local roadside stands. You can be sure they were picked that day. I grew up eating locally grown strawberries, they are bright red and bursting with flavor. The first time I ate some from a store I was surprised by the bland taste and white insides. While I do my best to eat sustainable, organic foods I make an exception from time to time for fresh strawberries.

Strawberries are delicious on their own, dipped in dark chocolate (yes please), ice creamyogurtshakessmoothies…you name it. One of my new found loves in strawberry lemonade. This delicious drink takes only minutes to make. It is lightly sweetened with local raw honey making for more tart lemonade. If you prefer your lemonade sweeter try adding a few drops of liquid stevia or more raw honey. As always, it is best to use organic lemons and organic strawberries because they are both very high on the pesticide load. If you don’t have fresh strawberries, frozen are a suitable substitute.

Defrost them in the fridge or use them frozen for an icy drink.


Strawberry Lemonade


  • 6 cups water
  • 2 cups strawberries, tops removed
  • 1 cup lemon juice
  • 1/3 cup raw honey


Step 1: Put strawberries, lemon juice, raw honey and one cup of water in a blender. Blend until smooth.

Step 2: If desired strain through a fine sieve to remove the seeds.

Step 3: Pour into a pitcher and add the remaining 5 cups of water. Stir to mix.

Step 4: Serve over ice or chill until ready to serve.

Strawberry Lemonade


  • 6 cups water
  • 2 cups strawberries, tops removed
  • 1 cup lemon juice
  • 1/3 cup raw honey


  • Put strawberries, lemon juice, raw honey and one cup of water in a blender. Blend until smooth.
  • If desired strain through a fine sieve to remove the seeds.
  • Pour into a pitcher and add the remaining 5 cups of water. Stir to mix.
  • Serve over ice or chill until ready to serve.

What is your favorite way to enjoy strawberries?

About the author

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