Christmas is a wonderful time of year! I love the family time, decorations, music, gifts, snow, the emphasis on the birth of Christ. I love the good cheer this time of year brings to everyone I meet when I”m out and about.
This is also a busy time of year. Parties, shopping and activities can quickly fill up the calendar; the pressure to buy gifts for every friend and acquaintance can bring on the stress. We really should do all we can to not give into stressful pressures and busyness that keep us from the important focuses of Christmas. However, stress will inevitably come! That”s why I love this nerve tincture I keep on hand!
The group of herbs in this tincture work together to relax and calm a person. They help nourish the nervous system during times of stress, anxiety, or times when those high-strung nerves make their presence known.
Besides being great for stress, this tincture can also be used for:
- Colicky babies
- Stomach cramps
- Seizures
- Sleeplessness
- Mother threatening to miscarry
- A high-strung person
- A person going through great mental or physical stress
Alfalfa is extremely rich in vitamins and minerals. When our bodies are under any kind of stress, it depletes our nutrients. Alfalfa is perfect for replacing what is lost.
Chamomile is soothing and relaxing to the nerves.
Catnip helps induce sleep {But will not make you feel drugged like prescription medication. It helps you sleep if that is what casino online you”re trying to achieve.}
Hops is a relaxing nerve tonic. Relieves tension, anxiety, restlessness, agitation. Helps insomnia.
Oatstraw is high in nutrients that are vital to a healthy nervous system.
Passionflower is a great sleep-aid. Helps control seizures.
Peppermint helps colic and relaxes digestive system.
Valerian relieves anxiety and hypertension.
1/2 cup Alfalfa
1/4 cup Chamomile
1/4 cup Peppermint
1/4 cup Passionflower
1/4 cup Catnip
1/4 cup Oatstraw
1 tbsp. Hops
1 tbsp. Valerian {Leave this herb out if making the tincture for a baby or child}
Child: 1/2 tsp.
Adult: 1 tsp. or more
If I”m having a stressful day, I typically take a tsp. at least 3 times a day. I can tell a difference in how much better my body is handling stress when I”m utilizing this tincture!
Can you always make tinctures out of dried herbs? What I mean is they don’t have to be fresh out of the garden?
Could you replace the alfalfa with nettle? I only ask because I have nettle on hand and know it’s high in nutrients as well.
Where can I locate these herbs? This tincture sounds like just what need in a steady stream around my house! I need it ASAP!
When you buy in bulk what do you do with the rest of the herbs ?
Does the lid have to close on the crockpot? Mine isn’t big enough for a quart size jar to fit
How does this need to be stored after bottling? Room temp or refrigerator?