DIY: Whipped Spring Lotion

Written by Kate Tietje and updated by Sarena-Rae Santos in November of 2023. 

In 2012, we spent some time outside on a gorgeous day with a high of 78ºF.  I took the kids to a local park to wade in the creek, something I’d intended to do for nearly two years!  Even though the water was cold, they loved it.  And they got lots of midday sun, which is great for their vitamin D levels.

But alas…I got slightly burned, and it was well before I formulated Earthley’s Sun Soothe.  Slight amount of pink on my shoulders, but nowhere else.  Not bad for a very white girl in two hours of midday sun. 🙂  (The kids did not burn whatsoever, despite no sunscreen.)  Anyway, I decided having a light, healthy lotion to rub into my skin post-sun exposure would be nice.  Just to keep things moisturized.

Plus, I used to use a certain popular bath and body company’s products after every shower I took…which I stopped doing a couple of years ago when I stopped using most commercial products.  It would be nice to have an option after showers again to help my skin be soft and smell pretty.  And so, the idea for this lotion was born.

Coconut oil nourishes the skin and contains lauric acid and a slight natural SPF.  Apricot kernel oil helps to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, contains high amounts of vitamin E, and absorbs easily and without a greasy feeling.  Aloe nourishes and soothes skin.

Whipped Spring Lotion

Whipped Spring Lotion


  • 1/3 cup coconut oil
  • 2/3 cup apricot kernel oil
  • 3 oz. filtered water
  • 1/2 cup aloe vera juice (pure)
  • 1/4 cup calendula flower petals
  • 1 oz. (2 tbsp.) beeswax
  • 8 drops grapefruit seed extract (natural preservative)
  • 10 – 12 drops essential oil*

The best essential oils would be rose or helichrysum, which are very expensive.  Lavender and geranium will work well, too, which I used because that is what I had.  You could even use Earthley’s Skin and Scalp Essential Oil Blend.


Step 1: Gather all your ingredients.

Step 2: In a small pot, combine water, aloe vera juice, and calendula flowers.  Place this over low heat and allow it to sit for 20 – 30 minutes.

Step 3: Strain it into a measuring cup.

Step 4: In another small saucepan over low heat, melt the coconut oil (keep it really low — coconut oil melts at just 76ºF).  Add the apricot oil with it.

Step 5: Add the beeswax and allow it to melt.

Step 6: Add your essential oils and grapefruit seed extract.

Step 7: Add everything to the blender.  See how it’s all separated still?

Step 8: Then slowly begin blending your mixture.

Step 9: It will combine to form a thin lotion.  Pour this into a pint-sized mason jar (or other pint-sized jar) and allow it to sit.  It will thicken as it stands.

Done!  Simple and nourishing. 🙂

When do you use lotion the most?


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16 thoughts on “DIY: Whipped Spring Lotion”

  1. Would it work the same if you didn’t heat the aloe so much? Just wondering if it kills some of the good stuff to cook it and if so can I skip that step?

    • Yes. 🙂 I’m pretty sure I forgot to put the aloe in when I did it, and added it to the calendula “tea” after steeping. That works fine too.

    • Hi Marianne, hmm, thickness…hard to describe, lol. It will be sort of like commercial hand soap, the kind you’d buy in a pump. In fact, it reminds me of that in texture.

  2. Thanks for the fab recipe! I can’t wait to try it out. I buy my essential oils at St Johns Botanicals ( and have for YEARS. Try the Arabian White Rose Oil. Smells delightful, it’s not the red rose but, lovely in itself.
    P.S. I didn’t see the Arabian White Rose listed on their site but, call them about it. Also, Their Bulgarian Lavender is a favorite of mine too. Enjoy!

  3. I could only find 100% Aloe Vera Distilled liquid or gel…which one is better to use? I also couldn’t find calendula flowers, so I’m adding herbal tea leaves instead. I’m making this today, thanks for the post.


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