It’s been a rough winter. A lot of people have been sick. And truthfully, when people get sick, a lot of them call the doctor and get antibiotics. Luckily, there are lots of safe and effective natural antibiotic alternatives.
First, let’s look at the some of the reasons why we might not want to use antibiotics, and when they may not even be necessary.
Dangers of Antibiotics
You may or may not need antibiotics for minor infections. Ear infections and sinus infections often resolve on their own in just a few days — no antibiotics required. Overuse and misuse of antibiotics contributes heavily to antibiotic resistant “super bacteria” which can cause serious illness, and which few, if any, current drugs can fight.
Antibiotic use statistics are pretty scary, too:
- 70% of all antibiotics sold are used in livestock (another reason to buy pastured, sustainable meat!)
- In 1954, only 2 million pounds of antibiotics were produced per year. In 2000, it was 54 million.
- From 1997 to 2005, the percent of antibiotics used for MRSA cases went from 7% to 28% (a four-fold increase!)
- Children have the highest antibiotic use. In fact, when parents expect antibiotics, they are prescribed 62% of the time, vs. only 7% when they are not expected.
- Most ear infections (the most common reason for antibiotic use in children) are viral, not bacterial, and antibiotics have no effect. Even bacterial ear infections don’t really require antibiotics.
- Up to 80% of the antibiotics prescribed for upper respiratory infection are unnecessary
We also need to worry about gut flora. Antibiotics, especially those most used by the public, are typically broad spectrum. That means they’re not at all specific about which bacteria they kill. They will kill any bacteria that is in your body, including the good bacteria in your gut. When this bacteria is killed, it reduces your immunity and opens you up to future infections.
It also allows bad bacteria to grow uncontrolled and make you sick long-term, because the good bacteria isn’t there to keep the proper balance and battle it back. Scientists are still studying this issue, and many — even mainstream doctors — recommend that you take a probiotic supplement along with a course of antibiotics to try to minimize this effect. It is uncertain how effective these supplements are at this time.
Antibiotics also come with side effects, which can include:
- Stomach upset
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Skin rash
- Diaper rash (in children)
There are a number of other side effects, too, depending on the particular antibiotic prescribed.
Natural Antibiotic Alternatives
Given all this data, it is important to understand that antibiotics are not to be taken lightly. They should be used in very careful situations when “waiting it out” or other treatment methods have failed. They should never be used for viral illnesses. Antibiotic use is very serious, and although many people take them because they “just want to feel better,” they are not always warranted, and serious problems can result.
But, this doesn’t mean you have to do nothing when you are feeling poorly. There are many excellent, natural antibiotic alternatives to antibiotics that are safe, that bacteria will not become resistant to, and which have no side effects. These should be your first line of defense; you should call a doctor and consider a prescription only if these remedies fail.
Here are our top 9 natural antibiotic alternatives:
- Garlic
- Coconut oil
- Oregano essential oil
- Grapefruit seed extract
- Collodial silver
- High dose vitamin D
- High dose vitamin C
- High dose vitamin A
- Homeopathy (various remedies, depending on constitution)
The first five remedies are all antibacterial, and antiviral too. They can help to clear up many different infections. The first two are the safest — garlic and coconut oil can be used on anyone, even babies. They can all be applied to the feet (anything applied to the feet is quickly absorbed into the body), taken orally (some under the direction of a naturopathic doctor), or applied topically. Remedies 3 – 5 may require a naturopathic doctor if you are uncertain.
- Fresh-crushed garlic may be mixed with coconut oil and applied to the feet. Put thick socks on and go to sleep.
- Put fresh-crushed garlic in a capsule and swallow it.
- Top food with fresh-crushed garlic and simply eat it.
- Cook in coconut oil, or add it to a smoothie. Make candy out of it to eat a large amount at once (without the ‘gross’ factor of eating it straight).
- Put 1 – 4 drops of oregano essential oil into a capsule and swallow it. This may knock an infection out overnight. Talk to a naturopathic doctor if uncertain about dosing.
- Mix oregano oil and coconut oil and apply to the feet.
- Mix grapefruit seed oil into water and drink (check package or ask a doctor for dosing amounts).
- Collodial silver can be taken internally, too. Check package or ask doctor for dosing.
How to boost the immune system in general:
- Vitamin D can be taken up to 10,000 IU per day, or up to 50,000 IU per day for 3 days under the direction of a doctor.
- Vitamin C can be taken 1g per hour until “bowel tolerance” (loose stools). Since it is water soluble, overdose is not possible. Too much will cause minor stomach cramps and diarrhea which will resolve quickly.
- Cod liver oil is a great source of vit D and vit A, and extra doses can help get over illness.
- Immune stimulating tincture, a wonderful combination of herbs to help boost your overall immune system and combat the winter nasties
In addition to these, it’s a good idea to give probiotics (especially from food), homemade stock, plenty of water, herbal tea, etc. Rest is great too.
Symptoms can be managed with various other things, like the neti pot, ginger tea, hot/cold compresses, and so on.
Do you have any advice in avoiding antibiotics in babies? My 8 month old daughter recently developed an upper respiratory infection and was prescribed antibiotics. She had been miserable for almost 2 weeks, and I felt like taking her to the doctor was the last resort. I am not happy about giving them to her, but she is doing so much better already, and is actually sleeping. I wish I had read this article before I took her in, but I didn't know what else to do. I didn't want the infection to develop into something more serious since she is so young.
I love using On Guard (essential oil blend from doTerra):
And also Anti-Plague (adults) and Propolis Plus (kids) from: are great! They all help in immunity and prevention and also knock things out fast if you do get sick. I wrote a post here: about using essential oils during cold and flu season. My kids have gotten small colds this winter once, but nothing compared to what all my friends have been dealing with this winter. Also…knock on wood…I have not yet gotten sick, even when my kids did.
Thanks for all of this info! 🙂
I've been thinking about antibiotic alternatives lately as well especially when I heard reports of the increase in resistant super bacteria. I wonder why doctors don't simply give natural antibiotics like tea tree oil and colloidal silver to combat common infections? If they would only use these then bacteria wouldn't be able to build resistance and especially in hospital areas. Heck, some natural antiobiotics have been shown to be affective even with serious infections like MRSA, AIDS, and Lyme Disease. If only the conventional medical establishment would actually give people real relief with non-toxic medicines.
Kelli — There is no money in these natural antibiotics, and doctors don't believe they work. They think it is "voodoo," not real medicine. They are, in many cases, too arrogant to admit anything but a 'real' drug would work.
Kate, this is such important info especially this time of year when folks are REALLY getting sick – at least in my neck of the woods. The oak pollen is THICK down here and folks are dropping like flies with really nasty sinus infections. When I feel something coming on, I temporarily go off all grains and this boosts my immunity most of the time to fight it off without going down hard. I don't eat many grains as it is and when I do, they are traditionally prepared, but going off them when I am in the throes of an immunity challenge seems to really help me. LOVE the idea of a 40 day grain free challenge. I hope you get tons of participating as folks really need to try this out to believe how wonderful the experience can be! Thanks for sharing at Monday Mania this week! 🙂
This is SUCH a fantastic post! I use coconut oil, garlic, colloidial silver, cod liver oil, and natural vitamins any time I get sick (and as preventative measures). A colloidial silver spray is great for a sore throat.
Another way to get some good Vitamin D intake is to spend some time in the sun. If it's too cold out, I like to use Garden of Life's Raw D3 as a supplement.
Thank you so much for this post! Due to my severe allergies, I get sinus infections 5-6 times a year. And each time, I wind up on antibiotics (sometimes more than one round!), and I experience the yucky side effects you mentioned (also, yeast infections!). Although I've started immunotherapy for my allergies, I'd still love to find an alternative to traditional antibiotics that works for me!
I follow you on Twitter Kate and love your entire blog! Thank you! I use almost all of these listed above…but going to try the garlic for sure!
I'm bookmarking this one for reference and going to see where I can get some of the things you mentioned in your list. My family has relied on fresh, crushed garlic for years. I am curious to try the oregano e/o and the coconut oil, especially as applied to the feet (never heard of that before.) I've been battling a recurrent sinus infection all winter, but I've been hesistant to go to my family doctor because I know she'll just blow me off and toss an Rx for antibiotics at me. The few times I've had to take antibiotics, I've been displeased with the side-effects and their overall ineffectiveness. I will try what you have suggested here first. Thanks!
I tried the garlic on the bottom of my feet…only I forgot the oil! Just fyi, don't ever do that! Lol! It was working really well for the first hour or so, I mean I noticed an improvement pretty much immediately, but then after a while my feet started to BURN! And it didn't stop for a while after I got the garlic off my feet. Well, lesson learned. I will definitely try it again- but with the oil!
I don't really suggest colloidal silver, it can accumulate in your body and is sometimes known to be toxic. Just thought I would let you know!!
Oregano oil is my go-to antibiotic. It has both anti-viral and antibiotic properties (coincidentally, I just blogged about this). Sometimes I use it internally. Most often, I use it topically and let it absorb into the skin. Oregano is considered a “hot” oil. If you have sensitive skin, it should be diluted in a carrier oil. Be extremely careful when using internally. The only brands that I would recommend using internally are doTERRA and North American Herb and Spice as both of these are FDA approved for internal use.
I have successfully used oregano oil in treating bronchitis, colds, flus, urinary tract infections and yeast infections. It is amazing stuff. I actually use everything on your list in some capacity or another but have found that oregano oil is often the easiest and most effective. I just wish it smelled better. 🙂
Thanks for the post. A great reminder to us all.
just wanted to throw this in to the mix – Echinacea and golden seal together works great to! we had strep throat in the house, me and the kids took this and were better in 2 days my fiance went to the doc and got antibiotics and didnt feel better for almost 2 weeks. also a shot glass of aloe vera juice everyday helps build up the immune system. for many years i have stayed sick from oct-march this year since drinking the aloe vera juice i have only been sick twice and never more then 3 days.
Thanks for posting all this. I found your blog while searching for natural antibiotics, and you have the most suggestions by far. Two questions/comments:
1) Others have suggested that cooking garlic destroys the allicin (i.e. the part that kills bacteria). You, however, recommend cooking it; do you have any resources to recommend where I could read more?
2) You mention “homeopathy”, but I’m not sure it means what you think it means (I was misinformed for a long time as well). True homeopathic “medicine” — and I use the term loosely — is based on the belief that you can kill off a disease (or counteract the effects of a poison) by (a) ingesting a diluted version of the substance that caused the problem, or (b) taking other substances that cause the same symptoms. See for a more succinct definition.
Grapefruit seed extract is amazing! I use it for everything from mastitis to cleaning. I want to try colloidal silver sometime, but I don’t know if it’s safe when breastfeeding.
Wondering what your thoughts on Apple Cider Vinegar? Or Is it more of a preventative measure?
I’m saving this site for future reference. Thank you all on your recommendations. Our family takes a tsp (for children) and a tbsp (adults) of manuka honey daily, about once to twice a week we also take Black Elderberry Syrup by Gaia (I get mine at Whole Foods). We do this during flu season and on one gets sick. When my children were younger and had ear infections (which was twice), I would get a jar of minced garlic, extract some of the juice with a medicine dropper and drop it in their ears. Ear infection was gone after one use.
Hello, my 18 month daughter has been suffering from a rash on her bum. It first started small, it seem like it didn’t bother her. Normally I put Vaseline on her tush whe there is a rash and the next day it’ll be gone. At first it seemed that it woul get better and look like it was healing, then she started scratching as soon as she would bathe. She scratched so much that the skin broke and it got bloody. The rash has spread there are red bumps and it looks irritated. I cut her nails as short as possible, stripped the cloth diapers and change them often. I have tried aveno rash cream with no luck, I still breastfeeding and reduced consuming milk and grains. I’m jot taking any antibiotics, have used the same detergent, and disinfect the tub before she bathes ( with just vinegar). Although her pediatrician is mostly holistic ped, I don’t like to take her to Dr.s I think it might be a yeast rash and if so do you have any remedie for toddlers to put on their bum?
To anyone who has tried garlic-on-the-feet: could one night do the trick, or do I need to plan for several nights in a row? Thanks!
Olive leaf extract should be in the top 5 if not # 1.
Breastmilk is an amazing remedy as well. When my daughter had pink eye last year, we put about 3-4 drops of breastmilk in her eye in the morn and at night, she woke up perfectly clear the next morning! I continued to put the BM in her eyes for a couple days to ensure the infection stayed away. Also, I put BM in my sons ears when he got an ear infection last month. It cleared up almost overnight. I was amazed. No fever, no tugging at the ears or waking in the night crying and holding his ears… OVERNIGHT! Just make sure you are using a sterile dropper,… 🙂
I am VERY pregnant and am wondering which of these choices are safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding. Thanks!
Hi I have absessed teeth and no dental insurance I have been
Taking deoderized garlic capsuals it seems to work somewhat.what
would be the method to use I would greatly appriciate it thanks
Thank you for this great list of antibiotic alternatives. My favorites are liposomal vitamin C and garlic softgel capsules. A year ago I got dental implants and one got infected. I fought the infection but it was up in the implant where nothing could kill it. These remedies worked well to suppress it. Now I have had the infected implant removed and am suffering from infection from the surgery. My dentist gave me a prescription for antibiotics but I couldn’t make him understand that I have already had 7 rounds and can’t take any more. I am bloated, gassy, fatigued and vunerable to more antibiotic complications. So in addition to my favorites I am going to add a few from your list. Thanks again.
Kate, olive leaf is a good antibiotic also. 🙂
One of your best posts yet. Thank you.
Thanks for such a thorough post, Kate! So appreciate you sharing your experience and recommendations. I’ve pinned this for future reference and am sharing it today on my FB fan page so many others can benefit as well. Blessings to you, Kelly
Grapefruit seed extract has proven itself to be a very effective natural antibiotic without side effects! Read more about how it works!!!
Hi i tried the garlic on babies feet but you should be more specific on instructions it didnt say how much and my babies feet are burnt. Pleaso do so next time how much how long and how. I know this remedies work but again more specifics. Thanks. Especially when dealing with babies.
Turmeric is also amazing at knocking out staph, even MRSA. I worked at a jail and on my LAST day got MRSA. It was awful. After several rounds of IV antibiotics, a painful session of pus-squeezing, and absolute agony, it returned. I decided to do something different. I made a poultice of garlic and turmeric and then I drank turmeric and water. Wiped it out! I am a true believer.
Hi! I am new to all of this, and just happened to stumble across this page while searching for alternatives for antibiotics for my daughter who is seven. I took her to the Dr. today because she has been having headaches, and and an irritating little cough (almost daily) for the past few weeks. He said it was sinuses and said that she had a sinus infection and drainage, and wrote her a script for an antibiotic. I do not want to use it!:/ Our family is pretty healthy for the most part, we eat healthy, as organic as possible, and stay pretty active. I am thankful that we rarely get sick, so we have not yet experimented with a whole lot of natural remedies for sickness. I do oil pulling with coconut oil, but that’s about it. I am definitely wanting to learn more and I am seeking to do so. I feel there has to be a better way that wont be harmful to her in some other way. Is there anything that you ladies would recommend for sinus infections? Also what books would be good for me to learn about essential oils and how to use them, and other natural remedies? I have appreciated all of the comments, and look forward to learning more. Thanks so much!
Hi – I was just tested positive for H-Pylori bacteria infection in my digestive track. The treatment is two antibacterial medicine (Amoxil and Biaxin) and Prilosec. I’m wondering if the above suggestions would work instead? If yes, how long would they take – any ideas?
I am partying with you because I love learning about alternative ways to help my family. I basically need all the help I can get because there is not one person in my family who has a desire to change or who understands how important it is for me to be able to offer my family a better healthier lifestyle. I joined the party a little late but have enjoyed going through all the posts!
I have chronic osteoarthritis. I’m taking MSM Capsules with Organic Turmeric Extract but I still wind up taking 2 Tylenol in the morning…any help on this one? I also have started getting sinus infections since last year & the infection winds up going down to my lungs during the night when I sleep, setting me up for upper respiratory infections. Any help for post nasal drip? BTW, what’s the difference between a holistic doctor & a homeopathic doctor? Any help for me..I’m a mess?
hi …
its nice article , but TURMERIC is also a kind of best antibiotic in nature.
i personally have tested it for minor infections, like throat infection – sore throat, body ache due to some infection or environmental change impact.
i used to mix two tea spoon of fresh crushed turmeric powder and mixed in just boiled milk – 150 ml to 300 ml(upto you) and drink after 1-2 hr of dinner and in morning after light breakfast.
it really works for me.
Garlic is also good and above article is very nice.
I have just found this after looking for alternatives to antibiotics. I have several ailments: Celiac disease, thyroid disease, kidney disease, osteoporosis, nodular prurigo, a stomach ulcer from h.pylori. I take meds daily and am sick of doing this. My main concern is the nodular prurigo which responds well to antibiotics but the medics won’t let me have them regularly so the skin condition never clears up. My skin gets ripped with constant scratching as it itches 24/7. I long to find an alternative to prescribed antibiotics that is safe to use whenever I want/need to. If anyone can advise I would really appreciate it.
It’s been 2 days, and I am researching about why I shouldn’t stop taking amoxicillin. I am experiencing pain in my right breast that had been gone for a while until now. This antibiotic, I now find out, messes with estrogen.
I don’t understand why it would not be okay stopping a med that causes such damage, as long as I treat it with natural solutions mentioned here?
Stories here (i assume are true) seem to be enough evidence to switch tactic .
Also, how is the doctor supposed to know if it’s a viral or bacterial infection? Noone drew a sample. (i woke up with a noticeable hardish bump under my ear , that ached then the next day my face feel numb-ish).
Took a few pills, like a fool, along with turmeric /ginger mix, detox tea, homemade organic veggie soup, and vit D3. Bump smaller. Today, got a massage, bump almost undetectable.
I think I’m gonna stop the antibiotic pill (hard for me to swallow anyway) and go natural. It feels right. I’ll come back with an update /results.
I have a 9 year old child who is vomiting and gets constipation. My child weighs as much as my older child who is two years older. Is there anything I can do? As well is there any natural ways to deal with ADHD? The medicine my other child is on has horrible side effects.
Thank you everyone who responds,
I had a total hip replacement in 2014 and was told that I was going to have to take 3 Amoxicillin tablets EVERY single time I go to the dentist…for life! I was told that when a dentist does anything with the gums, that it can spread bacteria straight to my hip joint, and because it’s not real it can be dangerous to me. Is there an essential oil that could be taken instead of Amoxicillin when I go to the dentist?
What about amoxicillian substitute for Strep/tonsillitis my son has been on it already for about 7 days and has about 3 more days worth but I really hate the reactions he has had on it. They say its nonallergic but this second rash that has developed looks bad but still not at allergic rash stage but still concerns me. He is only 11 yrs. Old. Another thing is a few weeks ago or so maybe longer I guess he had a major ear infection which he stood azithromycin next time could he take an alternative instead and is it too late to give a children’s natural probiotic to help with gut flora because if the antibiotics. Thanks so much!