10 Healthy Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

By Maria, Contributing Writer

My Most Memorable Valentine’s Gift

Before we get into the good stuff, let me tell you my favorite healthy Valentine’s day gift idea. What seems like eon years ago, when my husband and I were just dating, we had a very relaxing and special evening.

I was in charge of picking an activity and he was in charge of making dinner. We got a couples massage booked for the early afternoon. This rejuvenated us during the frigid Minnesota month of February. For dinner, he made us king crab legs and soup for the first time and it all turned out delicious. This is the only Valentine’s that I vividly remember so making it memorable and personal is just as important as the gift itself.

10 Healthy Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

When I began to think about putting healthy Valentine’s day gift ideas together, I wanted to make it as diverse and unique as possible. I also wanted these gifts to help boost ones’ vitality to cover Body, Mind, and Soul. Regardless of where you are at on your own health journey, I hope there is something here for you. Hint for couples with kids: get your sitter booked.

1. Comedy Show Tickets: Let Laughter Be Thy Medicine

I married a comedian (not his day job). His ability to make light of even the most stressful situations is what kept us together all these 14+ years.

2. Couples Massage: Rejuvenate Together

Pick your place, massage type, and just go for it.

3. Couples Yoga: Stretch & Sweat Together

Valentine’s Day would be a perfect excuse, ahem “opportunity”, to invite (or drag) your husband/boyfriend to experience this with you.  My hat off to any male who is brave enough to try it.  If single, so what, don’t let that stop you, invite a close friend.

4. Healthy Homemade Dinner and Desert: Labor of Love

If your preference is for something special and homemade, that’s fantastic, just don’t forget to incorporate your favorite aphrodisiac. And no, I do not mean oysters, so here is a quick healthy list:

  • Hot chili peppers
  • Maca powder
  • Asparagus
  • Avocados
  • Pomegranates
  • Figs
  • Bananas
  • Vanilla

Check out Aphrodisiac Foods from Around the Globe for more ideas and their benefits.

5. Handmade Hot or Cold Packs at HotColdComfort

Hot / Cold Comfort Packs provide natural pain relief and heated comfort for chronic pain, soreness, and injury. They provide microwavable heat pads for back pain, heating pads for neck pain, hot cold packs for migraine relief, heat cold packs for wrist pain, and many specialty rice heating bag gift sets. The best part — they are handmade in the USA.

The company was started by Sally, who initially designed microwave heat pads in 2008 for her mom who suffered from fibromyalgia.

6. Healthy Skin and Oral Care by HealthyHomemakers

You know you feel best when you’re eating healthfully. What you put on your body is important too! Conventional beauty products often contain toxic ingredients that can disrupt hormone balance and burden your filtering organs – like the liver or kidneys.

Great products don’t need to be processed in a lab they can be derived from what we find in nature. Healthy Homemakers promote the use of natural, earth-friendly elements to increase health and quality of life. They look into the impact of ingredients on health so you don’t have to.

*Check out the HealthyHomemakers Shop Announcements section for current coupons.

healthy homemakers

7. Beeswax Candles: Purify Your Air

Did you know that 95% of candles poison the air with dozens of highly toxic, cancer-causing chemicals?

The only natural, safe, & hypo-allergenic candles are 100% pure Beeswax Candles! Don’t be fooled by the word “pure”, since this just means that the product contains only 51% of an ingredient. Look for “100% Pure Beeswax”!

These candles produce a brilliant golden glow of the same light spectrum of the sun.  They emit a sweet honey & floral nectar aroma. They burn 2-5 times longer and they don’t drip or smoke.

Health Benefits:

  • Improve Respiratory Health – asthma, allergies, sinus issues and hay fever. Burn a beeswax candle in the bedroom every night for 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Reduce Stress & Promote Restful Sleep – Burn a couple of beeswax candles in your bedroom for 3-4 hours before bedtime

beeswax candles

8. Rolfing: Body Structural Integration

If you or your partner need something more than a massage and with longer-lasting benefits, then look for a local Rolfer at the RolfInstituteNow, this is a fabulous gift for men in general but it is also highly beneficial for pregnant women and for children suffering from growing pains.

Rolfing is all about returning your body to its optimum structure. The rolfer presses firmly and slowly on the interconnective tissues (or myofascial layer) that hold the muscles in place. Some compare how it feels to a deep tissue massage.  However, it may feel similar but the results are way more pronounced.

It is often used as a method to treat chronic pain like arthritis and back pain. Rolfing has greatly benefited how I feel and increased my range of motion after it was impaired by an auto accident.  It also has done wonders in alleviating some of my scoliosis.  When I walk out of the appointment, I feel really free.

9. Meditation: Free the Mind

The goal of learning and practicing meditation is not to get good at sitting meditation. Rather it is to cultivate the ability to live mindfully, to live with less suffering and to live one’s life fully.

Find a local Dharma or Buddhist center for any upcoming classes on Mediation.  Regardless of your religious affiliation or not, all are welcome.  Alternatively, you can get one of these wonderful books:

10 Healthy Valentine's Day Gift Ideas

10. Certificate for Parent Days Off

This one has to be my favorite healthy Valentine’s Day gift of all, a day off.  Create your own gift certificates for a kid-free day to be cashed in anytime.

This is perfect for those moms or dads that spend the majority of time at home raising the little ones.  Sometimes we stay at home parents, get so used to well “staying at home” that it becomes easy to forget who we were prior to having kids.  Make it a point to find more time for your passions.

What is your favorite Healthy Valentine’s Day Gift Idea?  Did you have another great idea to share?

***Disclaimer: the author is not affiliated with or compensated in any way by sharing the products above.


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6 thoughts on “10 Healthy Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas”

    • Thank you Karen, it was a lot of work to think a bit differently than the traditional Valentine’s Day ideas that we see on TV and magazines everywhere. The difficult part was keeping it to 10 as I ended up with 15+ ideas.


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